- Fast Action 9ft 7wt
- Large Arbor Reel
- 200yrds gel-spun backing
- WF7F SWT Fly Line
- GR Bonefish Leader
Ascension Bay Bonefishing
Huge schools of Bonefish call Ascension Bay, Mexico home and are getting bigger by the year. Bonefish that averaged a few pounds in years past are now averaging 3 to 5 pounds, with specimens to ten pounders.
Ascension Bay bonefish are plentiful and eager to oblige anglers. Endless flats make for exciting sight casting to individual specimens to ten pounds or huge schools of four pounders. An average caster concentrating solely on bonefish should have no trouble landing up to twenty bonefish per day. The fishing is excellent year round with November to late September being the best months.
A mix of lightly weighted and un-weighted gottchas, squimps, crazy charlies in size 4, 6, 8. Pearl and light colors with long sili legs will keep you in the action.