- Fast Action 9ft 9wt
- Large Arbor Reel
- 200yrds gel-spun backing
- WF9F SWT Fly Line
- GR Critter Leader
- Wire Bite Tippet
Ascension Bay Mexico Critters
Ascension Bay, Mexico, is home to outstanding fly fishing angling for giant barracuda, sharks, cubbera and mutton snapper, tailing trigger fish, big horse eye jacks and jack crevalle. For Ascension Bay fly fishing anglers, it is a good idea to always have a rod rigged and ready with trace wire and a top water popper to take advantage of these up close fly fishing encounters every day.
We use short 8 or 9 foot fly fishing leaders with a wire shock. Bring a roll of 50lb wire and we will show you how to make your own critter leader.
Top water poppers and overdressed streamers work best in black, orange, red, and green in size 2/0.